Apogee Symphony Chassis Trade-In programme

Trade-in your old Apogee Symphony I/O Chassis for the new and improved Symphony I/O MkII chassis and save £669! Apogee Symphony I/O Chassis Trade In To benefit from this offer, simply purchase our special Symphony I/O Chassis Trade-In product with the interface (Thunderbolt, DigiLink, Dante or Soundgrid) and return the chassis of your mkI. We will take care of the rest.

Why Should you upgrade?

The Apogee Symphony I/O MkII is a major upgrade over its predecessor with a complete front panel redesign including a touch screen display and an improved cooling performance which can offer significant fan noise reduction. The new chassis also offers compatibility with new protocols such as Dante and Soundgrid as well as the ubiquitous Thunderbolt and Digilink. You can decide which version you want at the point of purchase. It also adds a brand new Symphony Control software and Apogee Control hardware remote. Finally the Symphony I/O mkII is compatible with most modules that were available on the original so you don’t have to buy a complete new system you can simply upgrade the chassis. The Analogue In 16 and Analogue Out 16 modules are NOT compatible with the Symphony mkII. The programme is now available and will last until the 15th of August so make sure to contact us soon and get your symphony up to date. Apogee Trade-in Offer